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The winter blues is a common symptom this time of year for so many. The weather changes, the temperature drops and people stay inside more to avoid the cold weather. Cabin Fever, being alone, a shortage of work or spending money, not to mention the howl of the wind coming down from the north driving the outdoor temperatures father and farther down the thermometer.

Medically speaking the Winter Blues has been associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) also known as winter depression or seasonal depression. It is in our nature to want to go outside and take in some rays of sunshine. It not only is a source of vitamin D but it helps lift our spirits and ground us and give us balance. So, what do we do to counteract the effect of winter blues?

1. Keep active
2. Go outside
3. Stay warm
4. Eat healthy
5. Get some sunlight
6. Take up a new hobby
7. Socialize
8. Use doTERRA citrus essential oils
9. Talk it through
Visit The Oneness Center, we’d be glad to help! Call 928-321-8288 for appointments


  • Become proficient in an easy-to-use emotional healing process which can help you through ANY life challenge, and learn to process stress in minutes.
  • Capture a clear vision of your dreams and goals while discovering your purpose and true hearts desires.
  • Discover what makes you happy and how to stay in that HAPPY PLACE

Learn all this and more in this powerful hands no workshop.

Join Tannie Each Thursday for 4 consecutive weeks beginning January 12 – February 2 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at The Oneness Center. Call now to pre-register for this Powerful Life-Changing Experience. (928) 321-8288 Course fee $100.00

pauseToday when the world and time is moving so quickly and you can connect to information, friends and family with the click of a button, there are still times when you need an old fashion pause in the busyness of daily life.

When was the last time you took time out of your day to just breathe and ponder the things you have come to love and enjoy?

If you don’t take the time to create and imagine, then you will rush into the future with the same old backpack on your back, feeling the same and reacting to life situations the same.

If you are longing for change then it is important to give change a chance.  Here is how….

1. First think about what you want to change.
2. Next think about how you want it to change.
3. Third dream of exactly the change you want. If you could have the desires of your heart what that would look like?

When life get so busy that we can’t stop to breathe and awaken our creative forces, life begins to get really frustrating and complicated.  You are each children of God, who Himself is a master creator.  If you are not finding any joy in your life circumstances it is because you are not giving time to one of your basic needs.  Creativity.

Give life a chance, give change a chance, learn to use your God given inheritance and become the creator you were meant to be.

Join us here at The Oneness Center to learn how to awaken your creative forces and how to use them to bring peace and joy back into your life.  Book a session, attend our monthly classes and workshops, such as Making Your Visions Come Alive or just stop by for a visit and let us help you get that amazing person you really are up and happy again. We have some amazing tools.  Check our Testimonials.

Tannie’s Basic Stress Release Workshop on the Second Wednesday of January, February and March
Learn how to use easy stress relief tools to make this year the best year ever!
This month learn:
-Deep Breathing
-Introduction to Imagery Meditation & Visualization
Wednesday, January 11th at 6-8 pm at The Oneness Center
Class Fee $20, pre-registration is recommended
Register Online

By Debra Hale

It’s November and the month of Thanksgiving; I can’t think of a better time to learn the magic and science of Gratitude. Have you ever found yourself on the bottom floor of your emotions, not caring whether you live or die, or been so numb to your feelings that you don’t feel anything anymore? Me too!

According to Albert Einstein… “Everything is Energy… match the frequency of the reality you want, you cannot help but to get that reality.”  It’s that simple! This quote helped me realize that Emotions really are energy-in-motion.

We have high emotions and we have low emotions. Gratitude is a high vibrational emotion. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by connecting to GRATITUDE!

Example: “I’m so done… I don’t want to do this anymore”

Reframe: I’m so grateful I’m aware that… I’m so done… I don’t want to do this anymore.  Feel the difference?  You are still overwhelmed but you have a glimmer of hope that lifts you up a bit.

Example: What an awful day! I just want to go to bed and never get up”

Reframe: I’m so grateful this day is over!  Feel the difference?

Example: I am all alone, no one is here for me.”

Reframe: I am grateful I am aware of how I feel…. I feel alone!

By being grateful it changes the vibration in your brain and body and gives you hope and understanding as to what to pray for.

Example: Father in Heaven (God above etc.) Please bless me with companionship, hope for a better tomorrow, peace of mind, personal touch, or what ever you are in need of.  God truly is the giver of all gifts.

So when you find yourself on the bottom floor of life, remember to be grateful that you are learning what you don’t want and are getting more clarity about what you do want.  That’s GRATITUDE!



“What is the truth behind fear?” Was the question my client asked me during our session. Wow, that is quite a question, I thought to myself, then in response I said, “Let’s go find out.”

I always turn to God who is the greatest source of light and truth for the answers. So I asked her question to me in my mind to Him.  He taught us then that, “The purpose we came here, (meaning to Earth) is to gain knowledge, which brings joy, and that fear is simply the lack of knowledge. Fear is the feeling behind the unknown. Fear is the feeling that accompanies the lack of understanding. Fear shows you the unknown which seeks to be known. When you have fear, there is lack of knowledge. In everything you fear there is an element of the unknown. For instance when you feared monsters when you were little – there was the element of the unknown. When we fear that someone is standing in the dark, there is the element of unknown. When you fear and think, “Will I ever heal?” There are elements unknown. “Will I be able to start this business and make a success of it”, there are elements unknown to you. So fear is the emotion that goes with the lack of knowledge, light, and truth. Joy is the feeling that comes with gaining knowledge, light and truth.

Then my client asked me, “So what is the best way to make fear my friend?”  I marveled at her question and her wisdom.  Again I went to God for the answer. He said, “You gain the knowledge she came to teach you.”

Then she asked me, “So what is the best question to ask God when I feel fear?” I heard in response to her question…You are to ask, “What are the unknown elements here and what knowledge am I seeking so that I can remove myself from this fear.”

Our whole life is an adventure in gaining knowledge. Life is about growth and progression. Think about it, the only thing you can take back to our God in Heaven when you die is your knowledge. So gaining knowledge about life, about your purpose, about all that you want to know, is the most important thing we can do for ourselves in this life and will certainly help us move forward into joy.

The greatest knowledge you can gain in this life is a knowledge of who you really are and why you are here.

Join us at The Oneness Center where it is our passion, prayer and purpose to help you make the unknown become known.

Life is meant to be glorious and abundant so today, right now if you will, stop for a moment and think… What do I really want to know about my life? Then if you feel we can help you through our services give us all call.

Let us all spread the Joy.  Share what you know with those you love.

Love and Light,
Tannie Bennett

Enjoy facing your fears and letting go in this informative 2 CD set

For more information check out our Facing Fears and Letting Go audio CD

A heart that is blocked, is a heart that holds fear, a heart that holds fear is a heart that can not fully accept all the glory, beauty and gifts that God has to offer.  A heart that is broken, is a heart that allows the light in.  When light is allowed in, then the fear has a way out.  So if you locked, blocked or are protecting your heart because it has been broken in the past, know that you will never experience the true joy and the true abundance that God has to offer you because that light and love will have no way in.  Love moves both ways as does the wind, the rain, and all life.  You must turn and face your fears if you are ever going to be able to face your God, because it is being like Him that is your greatest fear. Do you fear your power, do you fear your own destiny?

Love, is not the enemy, it is your fear to love that is the enemy.  Do not allow the fear of your destiny keep you from your destiny, for then your life would indeed be a tragedy.

Become all you were meant to be and face the fear that holds you back. Like the shadow in the evening sun; your fear is the shadow cast by the dimming light and it is much bigger when the light is dim.  If you were to look in your heart and face your fears, you would find the truth which is the real you and you will know that the shadow and the fear it cast, was not the real you, it is only exaggerated due to the lack of light. Our fears are always bigger than the true object of the fear, it is a natural law and one that you can observe from the setting of the sun. Lack of light, knowledge, and truth always makes the darkness or what we fear look worse than it really is.  Do not fear the darkness or the pain you hold inside, for it is going through the darkness that the morning light, a fresh beginning can manifest and bring new life.  Joy comes in the mourning.  (that is not misspelled)  Let any and all your fears “come to pass” and allow the glorious joy of light, knowledge and truth rest upon your weakened, weary, hungry soul. Do not hold your heart in bondage, stuck and locked down because of your fears. Face them and you will find it was not that hard. Dear reader, when you get this, your whole world will transform. It will be worth it I promise you.

When you are ready to face your fears let us know, we are here for you. I promise, you will feel significant relief and begin to feel joy once again.

We invite you to call us at the Oneness Center (928) 321 8288 and allow us to help you bring light back into your world, into your mind and your heart.

Enjoy this informative 2 CD set as you discover, learn and change!

Enjoy facing your fears and letting go in this informative 2 CD set

Making Your Journey to Joy

A Truly Wonderful Experience!

Here are a few suggestions to help make the most out of your experience, your unique Journey to Joy.

1.  Reserve the time.

If you are really interested in experiencing increased joy, then begin by taking time out for you.  Reserve time each day to experience what you are learning.

Increased and lasting joy is the result of awakening your divine self.  Creating a special time to experience this is important.

2.  Create a peaceful place.

Now that you have reserved the time and have made a commitment to yourself, you need to create a sacred, peaceful place for this to happen.  You will have some wonderful experiences within yourself. You will want to ensure that this time is uninterrupted and the atmosphere supports your experience.  Find a quiet place, a comfortable place, a place just right for you to be alone, so you can discover one of God’s finest creations, YOU!

3.  Prepare a sacred place within yourself.

Now that you have committed to the time and the place, create a sacred space within yourself by preparing your mind and body to receive all that the experience has to offer.  This is accomplished by taking the time to breathe deeply, and to set your intention. Breathing deeply will help you relax, clear away the clutter of the day and help you enjoy the experience on a much deeper level. Setting your intention will enable you to attain your desired goal.  Intending to be in the light, will ensure you are in the frequency of pure joy, while connecting to you highest truth.

4.  Receive the experience fully.

Set an intention with each part of the course to receive the information to the deepest level of your being, to really get at a cellular level the messages of love presented in this work, and to receive the information to your core so that you may indeed experience a fullness of joy.

5.  Process each experience.

Take time out after each experience, class, and imagery session to process what you have learned.  Don’t just jump up and charge into your day.  Let the experience soak in to every cell. Then take time out to record your experiences.  This will bring the experience home and support your retention of it.  Remember, we only want to remember our truth, not what we are letting go of.

6.  Share your experience.

This final step will help you integrate your Journey. Tell a friend about a particular experience or significant moment you had as you experienced Journey to Joy. You may want to share what you discovered about yourself so that they too may celebrate the uniqueness and magnificence of your life.

I hope you find these steps valuable in getting the most out of your experience.


Journey to Joy 

A Course about Living and Being In Joy

Healing actually begins with the desire.  The desire deep in your heart.  It’s a desire for change; it’s a desire to feel better, to accomplish a goal, to arrive or achieve new heights.  Healing is really about change.  What part of your life would you like to change?  Do you want better health, better relationships, better communication, more equitable finances?  Do you want more schooling, more children?  What part of your life would you like to change?  

Healing is connecting to the heart; the heart of the problem, discovering the disruption or disturbance, correcting it and having a different experience. Healing is about change. 

It’s about becoming better  It’s about becoming the best you can imagine or be.  Once you start the process of healing, you embark on a marvelous journey.  Healing is about self-discovery.  Healing is about overcoming your greatest obstacle.  Healing is about change.

How do you change?  We often wondered that as we’ve journeyed through life.  How do you change when you’ve made so many attempts and they all seem to fail?  What is the magic formula or magic button that creates lasting change?  

That’s what the work at the Oneness Center is all about.  It’s about creating lasting change.  It’s about self-discovery. Discovering who you are and stepping into it.  It’s about becoming that magnificent person that you have always wanted to be. 

We all want to become better at something but many of us lack the knowledge, wisdom, or experience to succeed; so, what do we do?  When you can’t get to a goal that you’re passionate about, the resulting experience causes stress.  Every ounce of stress that you feel in your life comes from blocked success; something is in the way of you achieving your goals.  Think about that for a moment.  Think about something in your life that causes you stress. Once you have identified your stress, you realize some aspect of your life is being blocked.  The goal, then becomes to remove the block.  

This is what Debra Hale and Tannie Bennett do at the Oneness Center.  They help you discover what blocks your success.  Once you have understanding, it’s easy to move forward in freedom and love.  Our goal is to become free, to become independent and strong. Our goal is to live life with joy and passion and success; and when our success is blocked it creates stress.  When you can discover the root cause of your stress you can begin to live again; and this is our passion at the Oneness Center, to begin life anew; with new hope, new vision, new focus, new passion, new energy, new strength and gratitude for the very life that you live.  Come Join Debra Hale and Tannie Bennett and begin again.  Get a new start, get a new hope, embrace your passion and your dreams once again;  so that you can fly! 

For more information call 928 321-8288 and visit our website at:

Come in to the Oneness Center in Snowflake and experience the beautiful and peaceful atmosphere as you explore our services, products, classes, and seminars. Take a few minutes to relax in our massage chair, and feel how the peaceful music can quiet your soul.  Watch a short presentation
about our services and products and get to know more about Debra Hale and Tannie Bennett. Browse through our displays featuring our self-help CDs and books. Ask questions – get answers – find yourself at the Oneness Center.

Debra HaleTannie Bennett

Copyright © 2014
The Oneness Center
Connecting Mind Body And Spirit